(HIPPA) Effective Date

HIPPA Effective Date Listing

"Covered entities, business associates and healthcare clearinghouses have until September 23, 2013 to comply with the HIPAA’s new rules.."

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)

was enacted in 1996 and seeks to ensure protection of sensitive patient data, however, since it’s enactment, there have been many changes and improvements to HIPAA as a result of emerging technologies. WTG offers HIPAA services that ensures your data is secure and follows up-to-date HIPAA compliance laws..

As HIPAA compliance continues to evolve, WTG makes sure our clients data meets all HIPAA effective dates and deadlines. Our HIPAA technical specialists will work with your business to customize a HIPAA service solution that keeps your data secure and HIPAA compliant meeting all HIPAA effective dates.

"Contact us today about how our HIPAA services can help your data meet HIPAA effective dates!."

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